Your Event
- Carriers and Service Providers
- Enterprise Executives
- Financial and Industry Analysts
- Telecommunications Vendors
- Content Creators and Distributors
What They’re Saying About NXTcomm08 and the Industry
Why is NXTcomm important to your company?
"NXTComm provides the premier venue for demonstrating our own and others' breakthrough technologies and products, to an audience of top decision makers and opinion leaders."
Karl May,
CEO, OpVista
Sponsors &
Conference Affiliates
Co-locating with InfoComm08

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Voice, video and data insight unlike any other.
With more than 100 in-depth keynote addresses, sessions andconferences, NXTcomm08 is the definitive knowledge center of thecommunications industry. This is where industry leaders gather to sharetheir experience, intelligence and forecasts with executive andtechnical professionals so that they can stay steps ahead of the trendsand—most importantly—the competition. NXTcomm08 comes to the Las VegasConvention Center, June 16-19, and will co-locate with InfoComm, theA/V industry's top show, for an even broader reach and appeal to anyonein the business of communications. More information on InfoComm
If it matters to you and your business, it’s at NXTcomm08. Trends anddevelopments affecting the entire communications industry and its newpartners, such as media and entertainment entities, are major themesfor this year’s program -- themes such as IPTV, FMC, networktransformation, WiMAX, home networking, content and applications,mobile and wireless, international perspectives and VoIP. Other topicsslated for discussion, including voice, video and data; IP video;security; broadband; and storage will be reviewed as well. And, as theindustry continues to evolve, and today’s breakthroughs becometomorrow’s moneymakers, NXTcomm08 will respond. So check this pageoften to find out the latest updates to the conference program.
Download the NXTcomm08 Schedule at a Glance here.
NXTcomm08 Original Conference Programming
NXTcomm08 will feature original programming developed and organized by NXTcomm.
NXTcomm08 Original Conference Program Hours:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 | 10:30 am - 12:45 pm |
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 |
10:30 am - 12:45 pm |
Thursday, June 19, 2008 | 10:30 am - 12:45 pm |
Schedule Subject to Change. |
NXTcomm is recruitingworld-renowned keynote speakers to discuss the latest technology andbusiness developments in topics such as:
- Entertainment applications as industry drivers
- Home Networking
- Internet Protocol Television (IPTV)
- Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
- Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC)
- Software as a Service
- Infrastructure
- Other industry-related topics
Check this page often to find out the latest news on NXTcomm08 Original Conference Programming.
NXTcomm08 Conference Partner Programming
NXTcomm08, the one event delivering the ecosystem ofnetwork-enabled voice, video and data, will feature conference programmingdeveloped and presented by NXTcomm’s 2008 Conference Affiliates: the Alliance for Telecommunications IndustrySolutions (ATIS); Light Reading and Heavy Reading’sBroadband Wireless World, FierceMarkets and the International EngineeringConsortium (IEC).
NXTcomm08 Conference Partner Program Hours:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 | 1:00 pm - 5:15 pm |
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 |
1:00 pm - 5:15 pm |
Thursday, June 19, 2008 | 11:00 am - 3:15 pm |
Schedule Subject to Change. |
NXTcomm08 Summit Programming
NXTcomm08, the one event showcasing the ecosystem of network-enablevoice, video and data will be the site for three Summits designed toaddress the needs of service provider and enterprise communities, taking place within the communicationsindustry: "INSIGHTS for Next-Generation ILECs: A Telephony LiveSummit at NXTcomm," and "The Yankee Group Enterprise Executive Summit atNXTcomm08." TheSummits are $395 each. If an attendee purchases a Summit they will be entitled to a $100discount off a Single Day Conference Pass or a $200 discount off a FullConference Pass.
NXTcomm08 Summit Hours:
Monday, June 16, 2008 |
9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Schedule Subject to Change. |
Additional Information about NXTcomm08 Summit Programming.
NXTcomm08 Special Interest Sessions
The Special Interest Sessions at NXTcomm08: DiversityNXT 2008, Stifel Nicolaus Investor Forum and Wiley Rein Communications and TechLaw Forum are each free with your exhibits plus pass.
NXTcomm08 Special Interest Hours:
Monday, June 16, 2008 |
11:30 am - 7:30 pm |
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 | 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm |
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 | 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm |
Schedule Subject to Change. |
Additional Information about NXTcomm08 Special Interest Session Programming.
WiMAX Fundamentals Short Course
June 18 - June 19, 2008
10:15 am - 5:30 pm
WiMAX is the most promising new technology for broadband wireless access to IP services. It can serve an extraordinary range of applications and environments: data, voice, and multimedia; fixed and mobile; licensed and unlicensed. However, until now, wireless professionals have had little reliable information to guide them.
This course is brought to you by the authors of Fundamentals of WiMAX, the definitive book on WiMAX with over 10,000 copies sold in the last year and the first comprehensive guide to WiMAX- its technical foundations, features, and performance. The course will provide students with a broad understanding of WiMAX and will provide wireless engineers, network architects and system designers with the essential information for succeeding with WiMAX-from planning through deployment. For additional information on the WiMAX University.