What They’re Saying About NXTcomm08 and the Industry
What do you see as the top challenges for our industry?
"The top challenge today for the industry is the dropping revenue for voice, and customers' becoming accustomed to free services. Furthermore, customers are going to demand better control of their quality of service and applications. Amazingly enough, just providing packages and pricing that customers can easily understand remains a problem many operators haven't resolved."
Rebecca Rachmany,
Director of Marketing, Telrad Networks
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IMS Forum
10am-10:50am, (Theater) Wed, June 18th
IMS/NGN Interoperability (Plugfest 5) Result Announcement
The IMS/NGN Forum Plugfest 5 M-Play held in June 2008, address for the first time the certification of the User-to network ‘Gm interface,’ the vital link between end-users and service providers. In addition, Plugfest 5 included policy control, CSCF load balancing and load sharing, charging and billing, test and integration tools, user profiles including authorization credentials, service profiles and fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) integration. (www.IMSPlugfest.org)
Moderator: Michael Khalilian, Chairman & President NGN and IMS Forum
HP, Nigel Upton, General Manager, BSS Products
Ixia, Pierre Lynch, Technical Product Manager, VoIP & Wireless Core
Tekelec, Stephen French, Senior Manager, Global Marketing Programs
Wipro Technologies, Ranjith Mukundan, Director
11- 11:50am, (Theater) Wed, June 18th
IMS/NGN Forum Summit
The IMS/NGN Forum presents highlights of discussions and analysis of current trends in IMS/NGN business, technology and services resulting from professional network of 1200 engineers and executives from all segments of Telecommunication industry (Wireline, wireless and Cable). (www.IMSForum.org)
Moderator: Manuel Vexler, Chair Technical WG, IMS Forum
Intel Americas, Ed Dylag , Segment Manager Embedded and Communications Group
Aricent, Prakash Tripathi, Segment Manager – VoIP, IMS
RADVISION, Inc., Anatoli Levine, Director, Product Management - Americas
Ascision, Patrick Laurie, Director
IPgallery, Hila Dahan, AVP Marketing
2:00pm – 4:00pm (S208) Wed, June 18th
IMS/NGN Planning Session (RSVP required to:
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Mu Dynamics, Thomas Maufer, Director, Technical Marketing
NextPoint, Scott Poretsky, Director
IMS/NGN Forum Technical Working Groups (Team Leaders)
Review IMS Technical and Marketing working group’s activities to include Certification process. (www.NGNForum.org)