What They’re Saying About NXTcomm08 and the Industry
What do you see as the top challenges for our industry?
“The top challenges in the Telco industry are adopting new technology while sweating current assets to the full. This often means that new services, such as those based around next generation IVRs, have to squeeze into current infrastructures (networks, buildings, power etc) while being open and flexible enough to be also useable in next generation networks slowly being adopted. Open standards and partnerships are key to this new ecosystem both of which significantly lower the risk of adopting new technology.”
Tim Daniels
Product Marketing Manager, TeleSoft Technologies
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Co-locating with InfoComm08

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NXTploration Theater
Discover today's most innovative products and solutions at the NXTploration Theater. Exciting new product demonstrations and presentations will be held Tueesday and Wednesday by some of NXTcomm's leading exhibitors. Conveniently located on the show floor (Booth #SL8322), this 100+ seat venue is a great way to see what's hot in the telecommunications industry. Schedule subject to change.
12:30 PM |
Product Launch – New Addition to Amino’s Signature Set-Top Box (STB) Portfolio Amino adds to its High Definition (HD) portfolio with a ground-breaking STB which embodies and extends the company’s trademark characteristics of small form factor and elegant design at an affordable price. Join us to celebrate the unveiling of this exciting new product, and see it demonstrated at the Amino booth. |
1:15 PM |
It's Easy to be a Pro: Put the Latest Mapping Applications to Work for You Join us for a live, up-close demonstration of some of the latest location intelligence and mapping tools, featuring a host of capabilities for faster map creation, enhanced CAD compatibility, and easier integration with existing applications. |
2:00 PM |
Finding the Missing Link: IP Packet to Optical Mapping Delivers a New Dimension in Packet Transport The integration of an automated GMPLS control plane and a reconfigurable multi-degree ROADM data plane has resulted in an optical packet platform that delivers a new dimension to packet networks - enabling end-to-end deterministic SLAs spanning the access network, the metro network and the optical transport network. This platform can perform auto-discovery of network topology, advertising resources availability and establishing/maintaining protected and traffic-engineered optical paths with a holistic view of the service from physical layer up to service layer. This presentation will highlight the capabilities of this new platform and the resulting services possibilities. |
2:45 PM |
Deep Pocket Inspection — The Next Technology Enterprise, SP and Carrier Networks A recent Yankee Group report estimates that bandwidth usage will double by 2010. In advance of this, network service providers are focused on monetizing their network with new offerings as well as improving current quality of service. Many network service providers are leveraging Deep Packet Inspection platforms as the foundation for solving both problems. This bottom-up approach could be the future for service providers and is already a critical component for managing network traffic. In this presentation Greg Kopchinski will outline why DPI is critical and detail how it can help monetize network traffic, maintain the user experience and ensure bandwidth heavy network traffic is optimally managed. |
3:30 PM |
Successfully Traversing the Khyber Pass - Routing Calls with TekPath Route Director across MSO networks As operators look to improve their bottom line and increase customer loyalty, their networks must evolve to deliver converged, personalized communications, while maintaining a high quality of service. High-performance solutions are required to support the convergence of the PSTN with IP networks capable of delivering next-generation services. An important infrastructure requirement will be the ability to dynamically map telephone numbers to IP addresses at a high transaction rate. This presentation will be an overview of how Tekelec and VeriSign simplify IP network routing for operators, ensuring better QoS and reducing OPEX, by focusing on implementing a more efficient way for cable operators to route calls across multi-service operator (MSO) networks, as part of the new CableLabs PacketCable ENUM Server Provisioning Specification (ESPP). |
4:15 PM |
New Regulations Driving Green Product Design The myriad of regulations facing the hi-tech sector provides a range of challenges and opportunities. From energy efficiency to recyclable design, this presentation will give an up-to-date review of the regulations driving green product design globally. This key regulatory insight will ensure your company stays ahead of the curve. |
12:30 PM |
Challenges and Solutions for 100G Networks This session will address the opportunities and challenges pertaining to the development and deployment of 100G networks. Infonetics Research will open the session with a brief analysis of the 100G market. Sprint Nextel will provide a Service Provider perspective of the need for an open ecosystem for 100G DWDM systems. A panel discussion shall ensue debating the critical elements of development and deployment of next generation systems, including interoperability via common specifications, designs, and operation at the component and system level. |
1:15 PM |
The Coming Regulatory Storm In European Environmental Regulation Energy Using Products The Energy Using Products (EUP) Directive emerging in Europe is the first attempt to make companies consider the complete environmental impact of their product across their life cycle. This presentation will explain what EUP is and how to ensure compliance to remain competitive in intra-EU trade. |
2:00 PM |
Next-Generation Advertising for Telcos Facing high start-up costs and limited initial subscriber revenues, many telecom operators must find other applications for generating revenues to fund continued deployment. A proven money maker is local advertising, which earned U.S. cable operators $4.3 billion in 2007. Local advertisements are developed for specific geographies and demographics and are typically used by small businesses to target consumers in their region or large, national advertisers who are supplementing their nationwide ads to reach as many consumers as possible. With targeted advertising, telecom operators can take a step ahead and capture additional advertising revenues by making the advertisements highly targeted and relevant to subscribers. This presentation will review the opportunity and “how tos” of implementing local and targeted advertising solutions for MPEG-2, MPEG-4 or IPTV infrastructures so that telcom operators can begin earning significant revenues now. |
2:45 PM |
The Transition from VoIP to Unified Communications VoIP is yesterday’s news, then came IP telephony and now it's Unified Communications. This session looks at the UC offering from various Service Provider vantage points and discusses some options for going-to-market quickly. Emphasis placed on integrated solutions with development offering. Based on tips from a Service Provider's perspective. |
3:30 PM |
Convergence, Web Services AND IMS At the root of convergence is the consumer's strong desire to access all their services and content at any time, in any place or on the move, and from whichever device is most appropriate to the circumstances. This presentation will examine some of the issues in building value chains and ecosystems to fulfill this vision and how IMS AND Web 2.0 are both key enablers in its delivery. |
4:15 PM |
Wide Area Virtualization and Datacenter Extension Applications for Enterprises and Service Providers The increasing availability of carrier capacity and innovations in networking systems are enabling the extension of high performance datacenter networks, including 10 Gigabit Ethernet and Infiniband, across metro and wide area networks. Datacenter extension enables new applications for enterprises and service providers, including Wide Area Virtualization of servers and storage. During this session we will introduce Wide Area Virtualization, including design considerations, business benefits, and case studies. Bay Microsystems Agile Bandwidth Exchange (ABEx) family of high performance network systems enables datacenter extension as well as other network solutions for enterprise, government, and service provider networks. |