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"Following on the recent acquisitions of Navtel Communications and Brix Networks, EXFO has become a global player in the voice, data and video network ecosystem, as such EXFO is looking towards NXTcomm as the venue to promote our new corporate positioning and establish our company as one of the top providers to NEMs and NSPs across the telecommunications network ecosystem."
Maryse Brodeur
Marketing Specialist, EXFO
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Communications Goes Green
Produced by iHollywood Forum
Speaking Submissions; 310 417-8800x400
Sponsorships: 310 417-8800x402
June 19, 2008 |
10:30 am - 10:50 am |
Opening Keynote: Building a Sustainable Business is Good Business |
Dorothy Attwood, Sr. VP of Public Policy and Chief Privacy Officer , AT&T |
10:50 am - 11:10 am |
Feature Presentation: Creating a Green Network Infrastructure |
Ebrahim Abassi, SVP of Operations, Redback Networks |
11:10 am - 11:45 am |
Global Warming: Tech Strategies to Reduce Carbon Footprints for Telecom Sector |
The Kyoto Climate Change Accord created a market for carbon emissions credits. Now there is both federal and state regulation designed to impose a cap on all greenhouse gas emissions. Information technology (IT) has been a large source of carbon emissions and now develops solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Learn how IT services can promote energy efficient hardware and software from manufacturers, and increased energy-management on the part of individual users and IT managers to reduce their carbon footprint. How can computing and tech providers help meet those goals? |
Speakers: Laddie Suk, Global Partner, Innovation and Transformation Solutions, Business Edge Solutions Michael K Patterson, Senior Thermal Architect, Digital Enterprise Group, Intel Corporation Elaine Weidman, Director of Corporate Responsibility, Ericsson |
11:45 am -12:15 pm |
Keynote |
Laura Ipsen, Senior Vice President Worldwide Government Affairs, Cisco |
12:15 pm - 12:45 pm |
Keynote: How Information Technology Can Improve Energy Efficiency |
Kathryn C. Brown, SVP, Public Policy Development & Corporate Responsibility, Verizon |
12:45 pm - 1:30 pm |
Lunch |
1:30 pm -2:00 pm |
Keynote |
2:00 pm - 2:40 pm |
Green Data Center Challenges: Reducing Heat Production and Increasing Efficiency |
The six million servers in America’s data centers, when factoring in the energy needed to run and cool the servers, consume more energy than the 300+ million televisions in the United States. Green computing—IT equipment, data centers, and servers -- consume huge amounts of energy and produce heat requiring energy for cooling. But now IT service providers and manufacturers must offer solutions to enterprise users that reduce energy consumption, maintain security, maximize productivity, and still operate at peak efficiency. What are the latest trends and developments in computer and IT data centers? How can we improve network capabilities with sustainable IT practices? |
Speakers: Matt Heinz Senior Director of Marketing, Verdiem Corporation Richard McCormack, Senior Vice President, Marketing, Fujitsu Computer Systems Corporation Moderator: Bob Larribeau |
Breakout Sessions: |
2:45 pm - 3:15 pm |
Green Products, Green Sourcing and Green Production: Building a Sustainable Supply Chain |
Unless companies are willing to take a hard look at the sustainability practices of their entire supply chains, the true impact of their 'green' practices will be limited. Cisco has committed to design, source, produce, transport, package and distribute all of its products in an environmentally sustainable manner. The head of Cisco's green supply chain initiative will share lessons learned for creating a holistic, green supply chain action plan, motivating suppliers to take action and driving efficiencies and innovation across your supply chain. Explore how to identify and tackle the most significant environmental impactors for your business, while helping your customers achieve their green goals. |
Edna Conway, Senior Director, Advanced Compliance and Social Responsibility, Cisco |
3:20 pm - 4:00 pm |
Market Research Trends and Prediction |
Speakers: Daniel G. Bauer, Program Project Director, Insight Research Corporation Bob Larribeau, Principal Analyst, Telecom View Frank Nein, Cofounder, Partner & Senior Vice President, Lexicon Digital Communictions |
4:00 pm |
Networking |
For full iHollywood Forum's Communication Goes Green agenda.
Join the first serious business summit to explore how telecommunications manufacturers, developers, applications, services and technologies can create a sustainable future, develop environmentally friendly practices, adopt green policies and deploy energy saving technologies while still keeping their competitive edge.
We are now accepting speakers for presentations, keynotes and panels; and sponsors for demonstrations.
Your company must attend Communications Goes Green if
• Your CIO and IT advisers need to recommend plans to reduce heat emissions and conserve energy with servers, data centers and IT operations
• Your stakeholders and board members demand you implement a thoughtful environmental plan as part of responsible corporate governance
• Your product managers design and market environmentally innovative products, service or technologies and need to reach customers whom are green-minded decision makers
• Your brand managers need to develop brand campaigns to incorporate green strategies for marketing and advertising in an authentic way
• Your operation managers need to purchase products, services and technologies to implement environmentally sound practices and operations
• Your customers demand that you incorporate sustainable practices in your global supply chain and manufacturing processes
• Your finance managers and investors need a macro look at how sustainable practices and technologies will affect costs and revenue
Hear forward-thinking speakers and decision makers in green telecom and communications sectors — including corporate governance, telecom, consumer electronics, building and construction, venture capital, banking, labor, automotive technology, clean tech, environmental resources and much more.