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What They’re Saying About NXTcomm08 and the Industry
Why is NXTcomm important to your company?
"We are interested in meeting new partners and potential channels for our solutions. Because we are 100% committed to channel sales, we would like to get opinions and advice from as many potential partners as possible."
Will Harris,
VP of Sales, Phybridge, Inc.
Sponsors &
Conference Affiliates
Co-locating with InfoComm08

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NXTcomm Summits
NXTcomm08, the one event showcasing the ecosystem of network-enable voice, video and data will be the site for two Summits designed to address the needs of service provider and enterprise communities, and the environmental movement taking place within the communications industry: "INSIGHTS for Next-Generation ILECs: A Telephony Live Summit at NXTcomm" and "The Yankee Group Enterprise Executive Summit at NXTcomm08."
Attend Tactical, Information-Packed Summit Sessions
Access to the summit programs follows a modest fee-based schedule: Summits and a one-day conference pass is $295 before April 30, and $395 beginning May 1.
NXTcomm08 will include summits produced by Telephony and Yankee Group.
Telephony & The Independent’s INSIGHTS for Next-Generation ILECs one-day summit, designed for independent telephone companies looking for new revenue and service opportunities and greater insight into their own industry and marketplace, will take place on Monday, June 16, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. This event, with support from Signature Sponsor ADC, will explore what’s next for the Independents in delivering converged services, business services, video services and wireless services. It will explore the impact of consolidation on individual companies and the industry in general. Experts both from within the Independent telephone industry and from the broader telecom marketplace will share success stories and lessons learned in pioneering new technologies and services. Read more. |
The Yankee Group Enterprise Executive Summit at NXTcomm08 | |
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The Yankee Group Enterprise Executive Summit at NXTcomm08,” is slated for Monday, June 16, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. This forward thinking summit will feature critical insight and analysis from Yankee Group Research, NXTComm08 and multiple industry leaders, and will review trends such as open networking, the future of on-demand computing, the network as a platform for application delivery and securing the `anywhere enterprise’ through leading network security technologies.This summit is a must attend forum for all executives, management and ecosystem players involved in the future of enterprise communications. Read more. Read more on Yankee Group. |
The Summits are $295/each through April 30th and $395/each on or after May 1st. If an attendee purchases a Summit they will be entitled to a $100 discount off a Single Day Conference Pass or a $200 discount off a Full Conference Pass.
Please check back often for additional updates.